00:21:28 Jeanette Ettin She/Her: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pceCpqTsiHtOKLpXj2xQxODOeatNoEKjh#/registration 00:21:45 Jeanette Ettin She/Her: https://blessedtomorrow.org/take-the-training/ 00:22:36 Heather, Prov V, she/her: https://episcopalchicago.wufoo.com/forms/r6y18y71meowxk/ 00:22:55 Heather, Prov V, she/her: https://www.provincev.org/creation.html 00:23:39 Heather, Prov V, she/her: https://unitedthankoffering.com/apply/ 00:26:02 Heather, Prov V, she/her: https://deepgreenfaith.org 00:27:05 Heather, Prov V, she/her: Love God, Love God’s World: https://www.episcopalchurch.org/ministries/creation-care/love-god-love-gods-world-curriculum/ 00:27:34 Heather, Prov V, she/her: http://www.staidan.org 00:30:08 Ophelia Paine: Ophelia Paine — From Christ Church Cathedral in Nashville and a member of the Creation Care Committee 00:30:31 Jeanette Ettin She/Her: https://ecoamerica.org/american-climate-leadership-awards-2025/ 00:30:35 Gregg Schneider: Gregg Schneider, Deacon, Beloit, WI and Co-chair of the Commission on Creation Carew Diocese of Wisconsin 00:31:39 George Bond: George Bond. Lexington hope to be DIOLEX environmental position 00:33:35 Jeanette Ettin She/Her: Jeanette Ettin Convener Province 5 Creation care Dio of eastern MI 00:36:51 Tobi Hanna-Davies, she/her, St. Luke's Kalamazoo: Tobi Hanna-Davies, Creation Care Team co-lead, St. Luke’s Kalamazoo MI, and rep to Hope for Creation, local chapter of Interfaith Power & Light. 00:37:44 Jerry Cappel: Jerry Cappel, Episco Priest and Province IV Environmental Network coordinator 00:40:21 Jeanette Ettin She/Her: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pceCpqTsiHtOKLpXj2xQxODOeatNoEKjh#/registration 00:40:33 Jeanette Ettin She/Her: https://blessedtomorrow.org/take-the-training/ 00:41:06 Lella Lowe, Mobile, AL: I'm a Climate Ambassador and I'm surprised to hear that there are only 45 of us. Good program and resources. 00:41:19 Jeanette Ettin She/Her: https://ecoamerica.org/american-climate-leadership-awards-2025/ 00:41:31 Jeanette Ettin She/Her: Reacted to "I'm a Climate Ambass..." with 👍 00:42:35 George Bond: I am too and most Tuesdays I go too Shaker Village to cut honeysuckle and other invasive plants 00:48:25 Jeanette Ettin She/Her: I love that this is a resource. We forget that the Youth become overwhelmed with all of the work that needs to be done. It can become daunting for them as well 00:51:50 Jeanette Ettin She/Her: hands in the dirt... grounding connecting to God! 00:56:49 Jeanette Ettin She/Her: food allergies 01:03:32 Jeanette Ettin She/Her: I signed up for it for our church last year! 01:04:35 George Bond: I am tying to get our rector on board but a hard sell despite all it offers 01:04:44 Heather, Prov V, she/her: https://www.onehomeonefuture.org 01:06:33 Chuck Berry: Carol: saw you on Season of Creation - best advice is Creation Care info in Season of Creation 5-wk lectionary - give preachers materials for the season 01:06:43 Heather, Prov V, she/her: https://thirdact.org 01:07:50 Heather, Prov V, she/her: https://dayenu.org/apply-today-climate-art-music-fellowship/ 01:09:18 Chuck Berry: animal issues can be highlighted at Blessing of Animals, more than pets, also wild and endangered species (the least of these). 01:09:30 Jeanette Ettin She/Her: Reacted to "animal issues can be..." with ❤️ 01:09:52 Jeanette Ettin She/Her: Replying to "animal issues can be..." Great idea to share with our clergy 01:13:31 Ann Olsen: Reacted to "animal issues can be..." with ❤️ 01:15:50 Chuck Berry: Utah State University inventory of churches doing wildlife habitat work on church property. PHD student is leanna.dejong@usu.edu. help her find examples, Thanks, Chuck Berry, South Dakota but taught at USU for 10 yrs. 01:16:01 Lella Lowe, Mobile, AL: I have another meeting, so gotta go. Thanks for all of your excellent work, Carol! 01:16:39 Jeanette Ettin She/Her: Replying to "I have another meeti..." Thank you Lella.. I will email you 01:16:40 George Bond: I am taking the cup I borrowed from Lexington Seminary to the retreat 01:17:06 Carol Devine, Director Blessed Tomorrow: Reacted to "I am taking the cup ..." with ❤️