Next meeting: Jan 21, 8 pm ET / 7 pm CT Zoom: (password: 5) or this link will take you directly to the room. Mark your calendar for these dates in 2025: Mar 18, May 20, July 15, Sept 16, Nov 18 (Third Tuesdays of those months)
Migration Ministry Network Description: We invite everyone in Province V who is interested in helping to address immigration, refugee and asylum issues to be part of our network of mutual support. We can accomplish more by working together!
We also encourage you to join Episcopal Migration Ministries' Asylum and Detention Network. (See information below.)
The Episcopal Church has been actively concerned with the rights of refugees and migrants since the United States opened its borders to the first waves of immigrants from war-torn countries in the 1930s.
Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM): EMM welcomes refugees, educates communities, and mobilizes congregations to advocate for the protection and rights of all migrants. In 2021, Episcopal Migration Ministries and its network of local affiliates welcomed over 830 refugees and 488 SIV’s (Special Immigrant Visa) from 24 countries in 12 communities. Join EMM's mailing list to learn more.
Episcopal Migration Response Network EMM hosts a Migration Response Network that meets virtually on the fourth Wednesday of every month. The Ministry Network’s collaborative work and conversation focus on best practice-sharing in areas of direct service, organizing, advocacy actions, Christian formation and worship resources, and community education to protect asylum, promote humane and dignified alternatives to detention, and to support asylum seekers and those harmed by the immigration detention system. Register to attend meetings here.
Neighbor to Neighbor Through Neighbor to Neighbor, EMM directly trains and provides ongoing support to faith communities who serve as community sponsors for asylum seekers. Community sponsors welcome their new neighbors by offering friendship, fostering community connections, and providing practical support such as housing, assistance in accessing services and navigating the community, enrolling children in school, supporting adults in learning English and securing employment, and more. More information here.
The Episcopal Public Policy Network (EPPN) EPPN is a grassroots network of Episcopalians across the country dedicated to carrying out the Baptismal Covenant call to “strive for justice and peace” through the active ministry of public policy advocacy. Facilitated by the Office of Government Relations, this network helps influence the development of legislation and policy of the U.S. federal government on critical issues, including immigration. Learn more and join EPPN.
Immigration Update Calls
Immigration update calls: Every Other Tuesday at 11 am EST starting on January 7th. Please join Episcopal Migration Ministries and the Office of Government Relations for regular 30-minute updates on U.S. immigration policy and the responses in our churches and communities. Spanish interpretation will be available. Register here
The above program is hosted by church-wide organizations. If you have questions or would like further information about the Province V Migration Ministry Network, please email one of the co-conveners: Jack Lloyd [email protected] or Silvia Huth [email protected] or visit the Province V Migration Ministry webpage.
What Immigrant Communities Should Know about Their Rights Borderless, 1/12/25
The Episcopal Church Opposes Immigrant Detention Province V and and the General Convention have both passed resolutions against immigrant detention. The detention system is unnecessary, unjust and very expensive; better alternatives are available. This August 2024 update from the Immigrant Justice Campaign is a good summary of the detention situation.
Opinion: Customs budget won’t make communities safer - Washington Post - November 9, 2023 The Diocese of Chicago Sanctuary Task Force recently joined the Detention Watch Network - their executive director had this excellent letter published in the Washington Post.
Understanding Immigration If you are interested in learning more about migration ministry and the difference between an asylee and a refugee, take a look at the "Understanding Immigration" video (less than 5 minutes) produced by Episcopal Migration Ministries. The American Immigration Council offers concise explanations of key immigration issues. NIJC Webinars – the National Immigrant Justice Center offers more than a dozen high-quality recorded webinars on immigration, asylum, and detention issues.
Neighbor to Neighbor Chris McNabb presented to the Big Provincial Gathering 2022. Download the slide deck.