Young Adult / Campus Ministry Convener Stacy Alan Description Is there a community college or university in your neighborhood? Have you wondered how to build relationships with an institution of higher education near your church? This workshop will explore ways of discerning, connecting, and developing relationships between congregations and campuses. Provincial leaders in campus ministry will share stories of building these relationships, offer suggestions for how to gather information and build alliances with campus partners, and use your congregation’s unique resources to support the campus community.
12/27/2021 0 Comments Talk Saves Lives: 988 (A6)Network
Suicide Prevention Presenter Kelsey Aaron, Indiana Area Director, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Description End the stigma. Join the conversation. The more the church can step up by being more public about the realities of mental illness and suicide, the more the church can help those who struggle and save those at risk. Learn about AFSP’s four core strategies for creating a culture that is smart about mental health: funding scientific research, educating the public about mental health and suicide prevention, advocating for public policies in mental health and suicide prevention, and supporting survivors of suicide loss and those affected by suicide. Suicide rates are increasing with the trend going in the wrong direction for almost every demographic. Being church means being part of a culture smart about mental health for all of God’s children. 12/27/2021 0 Comments Conversatión de líderes hispano (C5)Convocador
Pedro Lara Descripción Una conversación entre líderes hispanos para que aprendamos de las diferentes formas en que el ministerio hispano ha crecido en las diócesis de nuestra provincia. Será un momento de conocerse, establecer contactos, apoyo, y compartir recursos. Este taller se llevará a cabo en español. Description A conversation for Spanish-speaking leaders to learn of the different ways hispanic ministry has grown across the diocese in our province. It will be a time of getting to know one another, networking, supporting one another and sharing resources. This workshop will be held in Spanish [the Spanish language]. Network
Recovery Ministries Convener Sister Debbi Rhodes Description Have you or a loved one been affected by alcoholism or addiction? Are you seeking answers? Do you want to be part of the solution? Come to our workshop and together we can smash the taboos and begin a conversation that can then continue in each diocese in the province and hopefully in the wider church as well. Addiction is a public health crisis, but it is also a spiritual disease; one that the church continues to close its eyes to, despite the 2014 conviction of a bishop for killing someone with her car while under the influence. We want to provide information, resources, and support. To that end, our workshop will offer several features:
Anti-Human Trafficking Presenter Jenna Bing, St. Hubert’s Episcopal, Kirtland Hills, OH. Trained speaker for the Northeast Ohio Collaborative to End Human Trafficking. Co-founder of Lake County Collaborative to End Human Trafficking. Description The crime of Human Trafficking is second only to drug trafficking, and these crimes are often intertwined. Like drugs, human trafficking is worldwide, national, and importantly, a local issue. Due to the complexity and hidden nature of this crime, human trafficking can be difficult to identify and to address in communities, but it should not be ignored. This workshop will provide an overview of Human Trafficking to educate and build awareness of this issue. While the scope of human trafficking can seem overwhelming, the speaker will discuss how three concerned women began to address the issue in their community through collaboration with law enforcement, social services, community hospitals, and local government. 12/27/2021 0 Comments Congregational Archives: some tips on establishing an archive for your congregation or some tips on improving your archive (C4)Network
Archivists Presenters Susan Rehkopf Description This workshop is designed for both novice and experienced alike. Whether your congregation already has an archival program in place - or you don't know where to begin. This workshop will provide information to improve on the program you currently have in place, or will help you get started and get you energized to take the next steps! 12/27/2021 0 Comments Documenting the Legacy of Slavery and the Genocide of the Indigenous Peoples in diocesan and congregational archives (A5)Network
Archivists Title Documenting the Legacy of Slavery and the Genocide of the Indigenous Peoples in diocesan and congregational archives (A5) Presenters Newland Smith and Brian Wilbert Description Participants with the leaders of this workshop will share ways of examining archival records for evidence of the legacy of slavery, segregation and discrimination and the genocide of the Indigenous Peoples. 12/27/2021 0 Comments How Progressive Christians can Work for Social Justice without Violating “Separation of Church and State” (C3)Network
Public Theology Presenters Marcia Ledford chairs the Province V Political Theology Network. You can learn more about the mission and Marcia at [email protected] Description Are you sick of the way things are, like racism, deportation, pollution, and many other serious issues? Join civil rights attorney and Episcopal priest, the Rev. Dr. Marcia Ledford, to learn how you can become a faith-based advocate for social justice in as little as 10 minutes a day! We will explore IRS rules for charities doing advocacy with fun case scenarios. We will look to Moses and Jesus as our rock star models for social justice advocacy. We will examine the Spirituality of Resistance to injustice and how our spirituality grows in the process. 12/27/2021 1 Comment Awake to the Moment and Context (B3)Network
Ministry in Resort Communities Presenters Dave Penniman, Convener of the Network for Ministry in Resort Communities, and Licensed Pastoral Leader for Church of the Nativity in Boyne City, Michigan, will lead our time together. The Rev. Mary Staley, Rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Put-in-Bay, Ohio Description Life and ministry in resort communities offer unique – make that quirky – moments for creative engagement with the people who live there, the people who live there part of the year, and those who just drop in for a weekend. We bless boats and bikes, we strive to keep in touch and maintain pastoral relationships, we minister in the midst of socio-economic tensions among the differing populations. We will share some ministry ventures that have worked in particular contexts, and find support in meeting our challenges. Network
Clergy Spouses Convener Charles Zaucha Description Clergy Spouses have a unique space within the Episcopal Church. Not hired, can’t be fired and more along for the ride, we are brought along for our partners calling. So who provides us with a road map to navigate this space? Who can we stop and ask for directions or will help us with a flat tire? In this workshop we will take a look at the experiences of clergy spouses and how community networks specifically designed for clergy spouses can help us navigate this experience and through supportive networks allow for clergy spouses to thrive and find their way. |
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