5/12/2019 5 Comments #17 and #18 - Working together for lasting change: An asset based approach to community developmentPresenter: Tamara Plummer, Episcopal Relief & Development Workshop Description Episcopal Relief & Development is a faith based relief and development organization that works together with communities through its Episcopal and Anglican partners to create lasting change. We work with communities across the globe as they utilize their gifts to respond to human need. This workshop will demonstrate practical resources for this asset based approach to ministry so that you can work with you church and neighbors to live into the dream God has for your community. (Join in one or both of these workshops.) #17 - Part 1: In Part 1, we will specifically look at the basics of Asset Based Community Development and how it fits into the work of Episcopal Relief & Development. This section will provide you with practical tools that you can use to implement new ministries and grow ministries that reflect the dreams of your congregation and community. #18 - Part 2. Building on our conversations and work in Part 1 this section will link the work of ministry and congregational development with disaster preparedness, response and resilience. During our first section, we covered the basics of ABCD. In this second part, we will get even more practical by connecting this asset based approach to our work in the US Disaster Program, where we use this methodology to support communities as they recover from, prepare for and respond to disasters. Bio of the presenter: Tamara Plummer is a Program Officer for Asset Recognition in the US Disaster Program at Episcopal Relief & Development. She has worked on The Episcopal Asset Map for the past three years by supporting dioceses as they implement this transformative project for The Episcopal Church. Tamara is a life long Episcopalian skilled and trained in facilitation, program planning, and leadership development.
7/16/2019 11:57:39 am
This link will take you to the presentation materials and the Gifts/Needs training module that we completed during the two sessions.
7/26/2019 01:33:55 pm
To make the link work, you will have to add a : after https so that it takes you to the site, not sure why it gets stripped. Leave a Reply. |
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