5/12/2019 1 Comment #1 - Speaking our Faith: Sacred Conversations as a Launching Pad for EvangelismFriday, 1-2:30 pm
Presenter: Kit Carlson, All Saints Episcopal Church-East Lansing, MI Kit Carlson is rector of All Saints Episcopal Church in East Lansing and author of "Speaking Our Faith: Equipping the Next Generations to Share the Old, Old Story" (Church Publishing 2018). The Speaking Our Faith program has helped hundreds of "God's shy people" become more comfortable talking about their faith. Workshop Description It's hard for Episcopalians to share their faith, because generally we have not been taught how to speak about our own faith...even to people within our own churches. Sacred conversations can help build the capacity to speak about faith honestly and can start to help people feel more comfortable talking about their faith with people outside their "church circles." This quick plunge into sacred conversations will whet participants' appetites for speaking about faith and encourage them to take a deeper plunge when they get home to their own faith communities.
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5/12/2019 0 Comments #2 - Creating Community, Changing Lives: How St. Margaret's House created a Ministry of Hospitality for women and children in povertyFriday, 3-4:30 pm
Presenters Kathy Schneider, Exec. Director, Cathedral of St. James, South Bend, IN Mary Fran Brandenberger, Assoc. Exec. Director Tanika Harris, Director of Guest Services Workshop Description In 1990, Deacon Sarah Tracy and Episcopalians from the parish and from around the diocese, created a ministry of hospitality for women and children in poverty. Today, this day center serves an average of 70 women and children a day with basic needs and programs to help people to move forward in the context of a community of care and respect. It is a place where guests, volunteers, staff and donors create a community where all lives are charged in positive ways. St. Margaret's House serves as a national model of what can be created when people come together to help one another. 5/12/2019 0 Comments #3 - When the Spirit Says MoveFriday, 1-2:30 pm
Presenter: Meghan Western, St. James, Clintonville, OH Workshop Description Our spiritual lives have been expressed through movement in many cultures for many centuries. We will discuss and explore prayer and spiritual connection through mindful movement and daily rhythms. Offered by dancer/choreographer and lifelong Episcopalian, Meghan Western. Come prepared to move and engage in creative dialog. 5/12/2019 0 Comments #4 - OIW How becoming a more Open, Inviting and Welcoming faith community can change the way we evaluate success within membership development.Friday, 3-4:30 pm
Presenters: Jordan Trendelman, St. Alban’s, IN Christina Connelly Workshop Description What does it mean to be an Open Inviting and Welcoming Church? We will retrace our parish’s journey through the OIW initiative and how it has effected the culture of our church family. What started as an attempt to foster new membership ultimately resulted in a dialogue that has enriched and prepared our congregation for the uncertainty that we face in tough times. The focus of the workshop will be to provide tools so that other faith communities can challenge themselves to ask the hard questions and embrace the vulnerability that comes with with being open to one another. We will discuss the importance of invitation that starts within the parish walls long before it is extended to the community at large. Finally we will examine how welcoming one another into each others spiritual lives is not just something that is done the first time we meet but is an ongoing aspect of deepening relationship. Friday, 3-4:30 pm
Presenters The Rev. Barbi Click CRC - Rivendell Sr. Diana Dorothea- Community of Transfiguration Janet Fedders, Minister Provincial, The Third Order Society of St. Francis, Province of the Americas Sr. Donna Ruth - n/AF Sr. Kathleen Clare - n/AF, Calvary Episcopal, Batavia, IL Workshop Description We all see that the world is changing all around us. The people of God have seen change before. What did they do to address their own spiritual longings? What does this mean to the changing needs of the people of God today? For some, that longing today is filled through new monasticism. What is New Monasticism and/or dispersed religious communities? How does it work with your daily life? How do you discern if God is calling you to this life? Have you been wondering about these things? Come join us to gain an understanding of what it's all about. Find out how to put your desire into action. Saturday, 10:30 am - 12 noon
Presenters Jim Warnock, Gethsemane Episcopal Church, Marion, IN Kresha Warnock Bill Munn Mindy Hancock Evan Doyle Workshop Description This workshop will be based on work we've done in Marion, Indiana. My parish has been involved in reconciliation ministry for about a dozen years. After the election of President Trump, we partnered with an AME church and participated in several rallies and a special showing of the film "Selma." In 2017 we put together a seminar largely for students at two evangelical colleges in Marion. "Love Thy Neighbor," addressed largely to white people, talked about white privilege and asked if we, today, bore responsibility for events in the past. This led us into further partnerships with an African-American parish near us. We did a second seminar, "Uprooting Racial Injustice," in 2018. We will talk about these seminars, offer people time to participate in some of the discussion exercises we used, and have time for questions and interaction. Friday, 1-2:30 pm
Presenter: Suzanne Di Piazza, St. Clare of Assisi, Ann Arbor, MI Workshop Description This workshop deals with ways to recruit , train and maintain volunteer teachers. I have been involved in Children/youth ministry for 30 + years, in 5 states and have had great success in this area. 5/12/2019 0 Comments #8 - The Sun Wheel Image of LightFriday, 3-4:30 pm
Presenter: The Rev. Paula Engelhorn, St, George Episcopal Church in Macomb, IL Workshop Description The workshop is designed to share information about the Sun Wheel as a spiritual way to pray and help reverse the devastating effects of climate change. The Sun Wheel is a formation of stones, which can be made in many different sizes and in many areas. I have built Sun Wheels in different locations throughout the country. Including at Camp Mitchell in Arkansas, The Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas’ camp and retreat center. A power point presentation of Sun Wheels will be presented, I wish to offer this workshop as a service to our earth and as one more way for Episcopalians to help bring about change because of the deepening effects of climate change. 5/12/2019 0 Comments #9 - The Parable of the Garden: How Stewardship of Creation is an act of Evangelism.Friday, 1-2:30 pm
Presenter: Fr Joshua Nelson, St David's Episcopal Church, IN Workshop Description Overview of how a tiny parish transformed some empty grass into a creation chapel; welcoming our neighbors in the spirit of Leviticus 19:9-10. We will also explore ways to Go Green within any parish to "make our garden grow." Unity Garden Facebook Page 5/12/2019 0 Comments #10 - Becoming the Story We Tell: How Narrative Learning Theory Can Transform Our CongregationsFriday, 3-4:30 pm
Presenters The Rev. Debra K. Bullock, Rector, St. Mark's Episcopal Church (Evanston, IL) is completing her Doctor of Ministry in Congregational Growth and Development at Bexley Seabury Seminary. Her thesis is “Becoming the Story We Tell: Preparing a Congregation to be Catechumenate Ready” The Rev. Canon John W. B. Hill holds an honorary doctorate from Trinity College, Toronto, for his work on restoring the catechumenate in the Anglican Church of Canada. The focus of his work over many years has been clarifying and strengthening the ritual practices of the Church in a time when the role of the Church in society is rapidly changing; he is the author of two books on Baptism and many articles on the renewal of the liturgy. Workshop Description Imagine re-entering the deep drama of the gospel through liturgy, scripture study, and reflection. Imagine the whole community gathering at the Easter Vigil with a renewed gratitude for the connection between baptism and our annual immersion in the story of Christ’s passion. Imagine this renewal spilling over into joy in mission and outreach. Just as the way we pray shapes the way we believe so too the stories we tell about ourselves shape the way we live out our lives as followers of Jesus. Join us as we learn about narrative learning and situated learning theories and are introduced to a process for preparing congregations to become catechumenate-ready. |
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