Next meeting: Dec 9, 1 pm ET / 12 noon CT Zoom: (password 5) or this link will take you directly to the room Mark your calendar for every second Monday.
Love God, Love God's World Curriculum - you can create your own circle immediately or join up with an "overview" this fall. It will be very quick and focused on those who want to do it again, and everyone is invited.
Forest Therapy Signs - Lella Lowe, 9/11/23 Use these for reflective walking.
Gathered by Jan Buchin, 8/14/23 1. Grist. "The only newsroom focused on exploring solutions at the intersection of climate and justice." 2. Mongabay. "A U.S. based non-profit conservation and environmental science news platform. 3. Th!rd Act. Protect the climate and strengthen our democracy. For activists 60 and over. 4. Inhabitat. inhabitat.comInhabitat® is a green design and lifestyle site that provides coverage of environmental news and the latest in sustainable design. 5. Recycle, Michigan. Obviously not of interest to everyone in Province V. recyclemichigan.orgRecycle, MI is a marketing campaign developed by the Michigan Recycling Coalition to raise awareness of and participation in recycling programs across the state. 6. Interfaith Power and Light. interfaithpowerandlight.orgMobilizing people of faith and goodwill to act on climate change. 7. Katherine Hayhoe-a climate scientist, author, newsletter, TED talk. 8. New York Times digital subscriptions: "Climate" and "Science Times". Yeah, I know, this one isn't free! 9. Hakai magazine. hakaimagazine.comHakai Magazine explores science, society, and the environment from a coastal perspective. 10. For a Trendy Night Out in Paris, How About a Climate Change Workshop? article
Diocesan Resources from across the Episcopal Church visit this google doc to find information from a great variety of dioceses.
Video resources The most important thing you can do to fight climate change: talk about it (Katharine Hayhoe | TEDWomen 2018). Video
The Ramifications of the Overconsumption of Goods by Our Modern Society An article by Jacklyn Lenten, Northern Michigan
Reverence and Gratitude as Important Links in the Circle of Love for God, Creation, and All Others An article by Nancy A. Auer, Northern Michigan
Alan Wight & the Edible City Project (Cincinnati) This video features Cincinnati, Alan Wight and Permaculture - a key movement supporting Care for Creation. Alan highlights five (5) local Permaculture rock stars in the last half of the interview.
A Quick Quiz Test your knowledge! A really interesting quiz about how we can make the biggest impact on the earth. (It may not be the things that you think of most!)
Coffee Hour Cookbook Nourishing Renewable Sustainable Vivifying and living into our baptismal vows booklet
Honest to God A conversation with David Rice, Margaret Bullitt-Jonas, Traci Blackmon, and hosted by Stephanie Spellers. Watch YouTube recording.
Rogation Days - celebrated on the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before the Feast of the Ascension (May 18-20, 2020) What are rogation days? (Glossary of the Episcopal Church) Book of Occasional Services Rogation Procession A sample Order of Service (The Rev. Nikki Seger) A sample Prayers of the People (The Rev. Nikki Seger) Rogation Days - Definitions and resources (Heather Barta) Rogation Days - create your own celebration (Heather Barta) Rogation Day Bingo Card Rogation Day Reflections by Episcopal Networks Collaborative Lectionary Project Episcopal Networks Collaborative Releases: Reimagining and Honoring the Ancient Practice of Rogation: Modern Reflections for Rogation Days The Episcopal Networks Collaborative, which consists of The Episcopal Network for Economic Justice (ENEJ), The Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE), and people interested in advancing environmental justice across the United States, is excited to provide a collection of reflections on Rogationtide. Rogation Days (May 10- May 12) are a small season between the Sixth Sunday in Easter and Ascension Day. Historically, Rogation served four purposes, which we attempt to highlight in our writings. These focuses were: blessing the land for harvest, reconciliation of differences, neighborliness, and mercy for the poor. When we began to think critically about this season we noticed a common thread: community. We hope these reflections prompt conversations and actions that unify our sense of belonging and strengthen our ability and desire to love and care for The Other. Modern Reflections for Rogation Days resource
Feb. 1, 2021 We talked about Gleaning at our network meeting. Our guest was Dawn Barnes from the Society of St. Andrew.
Solstice Prayers (June 20, 2020) Portions of: Daybreak liturgy for the Summer Solstice
* You are the Lord of this short night and the breaking dawn. Amen. * You are our help from one solstice to another, and watch with us throughout the year, Lord beyond time yet incarnate in time.
Seeing the Sunrise King of the brightness and of the sun, You alone know the reason for our being, be with us every day, be with us every night, be with us each night and day, with us every day and night.
May the precious light of the Solstice Sun surround and enfold you, May it fill your heart with the Oneness of Divine Love that embraces all shadows and frees your Soul to once more soar among the Heavens. Author unknown
Let Your Light Shine As the sun rises, Lord, Let your light shine on me. Destroy the darkness about me, Scatter the darkness before me, Disperse the darkness behind me, Dispel the darkness within me. Let your light shine on me. As the sun rises, Lord, Let your light shine on me. The warmth of your Presence, The brightness of your love, The radiance of your joy, The shining of your hope. Let your light shine on me. As the sun rises, Lord, Let your light shine on me. Your light to guide, Your light to lead, Your light to direct, Your light to brighten. Let your light shine on me. - Found on: Power Lines: Celtic Prayers About Work by David Adam
"Behold my brothers, the spring has come' the earth has received the embraces of the sun and we shall soon see the results of that love!
Every seed has awakened and so has all animal life. It is through this mysterious power that we too have our being and we therefore yield to our neighbors, even our animal neighbors, the same right as ourselves, to inhabit this land."
- from the Book "Spiritual Ecology" edited by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee. The Author is: Tatamka Yotanka, Sitting Bull.